Make It Huert(a) So Good

I get to the hospital, but before I can reach Kaidan, I see my old buddy Dr. Chakwas! I run over there and she’s talking to Dr. Michel. HEY! DR. CHAKWAS! IT’S ME! SHEPARD! REMEMBER ME! COMMANDER SHEPARD!

She mentions that she’s been working in a lab here on the Citadel, and that she came here after the Normandy got impounded. Okay seriously, did I park it in a handicapped spot? Joker should count for that right? I should be allowed to park there. Honestly doc, I have no idea what went on the last few months, I have no idea how I got where I am right now. But I DO know that yo’ butt belongs on the Normandy, so do me a favor and get it down there.

I talk to Dr. Michel too who mentions that Kaidan is still out but I can go look at his unconscious body, if I wanna do that. I ask her a few questions and then hey! A terminal! I can buy something. I can buy WHISKEY. Awesome! I am so buying this and I am gonna drink this shit so hard.

I wander the hospital a bit until I finally find Kaidan’s room. His face is all bruised up and…he doesn’t have a shirt on? Um, doctor? Nurse? I’m just asking but shouldn’t he have a shirt on? Like maybe an unflattering hospital gown? Right? The hell is wrong with this hospital…

I yell at Kaidan’s body a bit and then head back to the rest of the hospital. An asari nurse is discussing cutting this guy’s leg off with him.  This other asari is asking her therapist if she can have a gun. Her therapist say no, so she asks if she can go to a different hospital. Ya know, one that’ll let her have a gun. Do…do they have those? Are there like, two different kinds of hospitals in space, and you get your choice between sexy hospital or violent hospital?

I try to ignore these rather unsettling thoughts and start to head back to the Normandy. First though, this reporter in a dress wants to talk to me. Yeah, fine, what? She asks if she can come on board the Normandy to cover the war effort and help gather support for it with her stories. I think about how I usually spend my time on the Normandy: drunk. Is this best thing for the war effort? Footage of me drunk on my ship? Probably not. I tell her no, making up some excuse uh, blah blah it’s a stealth ship no reporters.

I go back to the Normandy, and immediately have a weird dream where I’m chasing that kid through some awful forest. There’s a bench in the trees and I wonder if I can stop and sit on it for a while, but I can’t. I need to keep chasing this kid. Thankfully I wake up before long and decide to go actually look around my ship a bit since I haven’t even gotten to do that  yet.

Before I can though, Liara is at my door telling me about something something, I just woke up this conversation didn’t really stick with me. As we’re talking, we’re interrupted by this woman who introduces herself as Samantha Traynor, a comm specialist. She shows me some changes that were made to the Normandy, and mentions that Anderson was going to use it as his mobile command center. I say that’s not happening now because GODDAMMIT THIS IS MY SPACESHIP.

Traynor also mentions that Hackett wants to talk to me. Ugh, everyone wants a piece of the Shep action.  We talk about stuff and what’s going on and goddamn this war and all that.

Can I do what I want now?

Have we sufficiently damned this war?

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